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About Me

I've lived 3 lifetimes:

1. Born and raised in Beulah Michigan. right in the same place until I graduated high school.

2. Joined the Air Force and traveled all over the world; Philippines, several countries in Africa, several in Europe, several in the Middle East and Hawaii and Alaska.

3. After I retired from the Air Force my first wife left me for an 18 year old kid. My 14 yr old son came with me and my 16 year daughter went with my ex and her 18 yr old hubby. I went to work at a Chevrolet Dealership in L'Ance as an auto mechanic and worked for them for 8 years. Then I met my current wife who was a teacher in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan. So I moved to the Soo and went to work for the Chevy Dealership in the Soo for 9 yrs. Had words with the owner over the wages I was being paid, and didn't see eye to eye on the subject so I opened my own repair shop. I did all my work "as unto the Lord" and by the second year I had more work than I could keep up with. This with a labor rate of $50 per hour, and I tell you true, all 350 of my customers cried when I retired! Now I love to take Mamma and go to Disney in the early spring. We have season tickets so it don't take long to get you're moneys worth. We also have a time share in Orlando so for a couple weeks its nice to get out of the cold and snow. We have 2 feet everywhere right now March 1 2022. I love to play poker and golf we also Geocache on our travels.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole being. He is the only absolute in my life and the salvation He has provided thru His sacrifice on the cross. If you haven't met Jesus yet get a Bible and find out what you have been missing, it will be the best thing you will ever do for this life and the one to come!

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